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Artwork by Ian Scott

Issue 1: The Struggle Ahead

The Editorial Board of the Dartmouth Radical warmly welcomes its readers to the Radical’s first issue. THE STRUGGLE AHEAD speaks, simply, of realities: of the mass exploitation of the working class near and far, of Dartmouth’s heavy hand within it, and of the rising tide of those who sense that capitalism is a moribund force. 

This issue’s authors write in a Fall of revolutionary fervor. Struggle is bidirectional: just as the bosses wage war on the workers, workers wage war on the bosses. Tens of thousands of workers around the world are on strike. Socialism sweeps elections across Latin America. The people rise in fury against barbarism worldwide. No color revolution or pallid corporate appeasement can stop the inevitable. 

The Radical asserts that the struggles at Dartmouth College are not separate from those of the worlds’, and the exploitation here follows the same logic as exploitation elsewhere. Dartmouth sucks in the labors of not only the workers of Upper Valley, but also of the US and the world.  Sheen Kim offers an analysis of Dartmouth’s finances, its recent endowment gains, and concludes that the endowment is an amalgamation of hoarded wealth—wealth that is owed to the community. Katherine Arrington sheds light on the challenging experiences of student workers at Dartmouth and their lack of proper compensation, despite massive institutional wealth. Janine D’Souza notes that graduate workers, too, suffer from austerity, covering Dartmouth’s failure to provide them with a proper living wage in one of the most expensive towns in the nation. Ian Scott interviews Olivia Shin and Wren, two Upper Valley organizers, who tell readers about the housing crisis in the region and their important work toward a tenant’s union. Attiya Khan challenges students, especially those who are first-generation, workers, and people of color, to “once again dream big dreams,” and use their power here for the masses of the world. Finally, Kaya Çolakoğlu reflects on the international community at Dartmouth, concluding that gone is the time of the neoliberal consortium it once was—the new international society seeks a thoroughly anti-fascist, decolonized future, and is here to stay. 

THE STRUGGLE AHEAD greets the coming of a fiery winter.


In solidarity,

The Dartmouth Radical

Where Big (D)reams Come To Die

Attiya Khan imparts a hard-earned lesson: as students at the Ivy League, we have a responsibility that demands we boldly examine and reject systems of inequality.

Student Workers Continue To Be Underpaid, Overworked

Katherine Arrington looks into the trials and tribulations of being a student worker at Dartmouth.

Building Power Amidst Crisis: Tenant Unionizing in the Upper Valley

In this interview the Dartmouth Radical sits down with Olivia Shin and Wren, two organisers working to build power for tenants in the Upper Valley.

There is Enough, There Always Has Been: The Endowment and Us

A deeper look into the endowment, what makes it, how to make it different.

Benefiting Whom? The Graduate Worker Experience at Dartmouth

A recent report by graduate workers have highlighted the challenges they faced as they try to balance low stipends and high rent.

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